DIY RAM Memory- Register Style
**UPDATE** I also made a CMOS version here: http://www.instructables.com/id/DIY-CMOS-RAM-Memory/
If you have ever looked at a microcontroller's datasheet, you have probably seen something about registers. Registers are little one or two byte memory storage units in microcontrollers. The register in this instructable can hold 3 bits of data (b/c I ran out of room on my breadboards) using transistors. I did this to prove that I can, however, its not practical as an 8 bit register requires 64 transistors, about 64 resistors and lots of space.
The register is a neat device. It can recieve data when the enable input is, in my circuit, low and it can then latch and save the data even it the data line is changing. My circuit is not the conventional D-type latch because it used more transistors than I had.
If you have ever looked at a microcontroller's datasheet, you have probably seen something about registers. Registers are little one or two byte memory storage units in microcontrollers. The register in this instructable can hold 3 bits of data (b/c I ran out of room on my breadboards) using transistors. I did this to prove that I can, however, its not practical as an 8 bit register requires 64 transistors, about 64 resistors and lots of space.
The register is a neat device. It can recieve data when the enable input is, in my circuit, low and it can then latch and save the data even it the data line is changing. My circuit is not the conventional D-type latch because it used more transistors than I had.
Swishercutter left a great comment:
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